The Bee Doctors got to see how we put these little hives to use and they all wanted to incorporate it into their practice! This is when we saw how important this mini hive is to what we do. We have, in use during the bee season, about 20 of these mini hives and use them all season long and... Well, we never really thought about how useful it is to have one of these around or that anyone else would want one. Most of the new Bee Doctors wanted to have one, so we got a bunch of them made and they are now available
The beekeepers call their smaller version of this kind of a mini hive a Nuc, short for Nucleus, but a mini hive can be used for so much more. Traditionally a Nuc is used to create a small colony of bees, by taking brood and honey combs from a healthy hive and putting them into the Nuc. Then a bought or reared queen is put into the Nuc. Once this Nucleolus colony gets established, the beekeeper will sell the Nuc, which is then transferred into the awaiting hive. A traditional nuc has 5-8 frames so it is more than just a package of bees and a queen, there are also frames of brood, pollen and honey. This is a faster way then installing a “package” of bees to get a colony up and running